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Repeat Customer

Have used ILX Group many times over the years for training. Not only are their prices competitive, but their online self-paced learning is thorough and the simulated practise exams prepare you really well for the real thing.

Patrick Mamo
Well prepared for exam

The content of the course gave really good context of the important information required to pass the foundations exam. The simulation exams were bang on. I was scoring in 90's for each randomly generated test and I scored 90% on the certificate exam. There is no interaction with the mobile app, but was a good supplement to listen to while walking/driving to reiterate the lesson.

All in all, I was able to ace the certification with about 3-4 weeks of effort.

Trusted Customer
Posted on Tuesday, 7th May 2024 09:30
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
How to foster a culture of continual service improvement (CSI)

Fostering a culture of continual service improvement (CSI) in IT Service Management (ITSM) is crucial for organisations aiming to enhance the quality of IT services and consistently increase customer satisfaction. It is also engrained in ITIL principles as part of the plan-do-check-act (PDCA or Deming) cycle, helping teams improve and refine services, leading to better performance.

Fostering this culture of continual service improvement can be challenging. Organisations may find their employees are resistant to change and struggle with embracing new methods. To help overcome these challenges, it is important to embed the culture into every step, making use of strategies and incentives to keep enhancing the overall effectiveness of CSI in your organisation.

Fostering a culture of continual service improvement

Here are some top strategies for developing and sustaining a CSI culture in your IT team and across the organisation.

Establishing a clear vision

Start by defining a clear and compelling vision for CSI that aligns with the overall business objectives. This vision should communicate the importance of ongoing improvement and how it can benefit the organisation, employees, and customers. This vision must be well understood and shared across all levels of the organisation.

Engaging leadership

Organisations must lead by example when it comes to CSI. IT directors and senior leaders must be fully committed to the CSI approach. They should lead by example, demonstrating a commitment to continually improving their actions and decisions. Providing the necessary resources and support to implement CSI initiatives is also important.

Building a CSI strategy

Create a structured CSI strategy with specific goals, objectives, and timelines. This strategy should outline how CSI will be implemented across the organisation and how it will integrate with existing processes.

Aspects to cover in a CSI strategy can include:

  • Vision and objectives
  • Current state analysis and industry benchmarking
  • Ownerships, roles and responsibilities
  • Process review and evaluation
  • CSI register of opportunities
  • SLAs and performance metrics
  • ROI calculations and cost analysis
  • Tools and technology available for use
  • ITIL integrations and alignment

Empowering employees

Training helps ensure all employees understand the principles of CSI and their role in the process. Regular training sessions and workshops can help staff acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to CSI initiatives. Involving them in decision-making processes and encouraging them to suggest improvements can enhance their engagement and commitment to CSI.

Implementing a CSI process

A formal CSI process should be part of your ITSM framework. This process should be based on a model like the Deming Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act). Each phase of the cycle involves:

  • Plan: Identify opportunities for improvement
  • Do: Implement changes on a small scale to test their impact
  • Check: Measure and analyse the results of these changes
  • Act: Implement the successful changes on a wider scale

Using the right tools

Leverage technology and tools that can support CSI activities. ITSM software solutions that include features for tracking and managing improvement initiatives can be particularly useful. These tools can help gather data, analyse trends, and report on the effectiveness of implemented changes.

Communicate CSI activities

Recognising and rewarding employees for their contributions to CSI can motivate them to continue participating in improvement activities. Recognition can occur in many formats, from senior leaders acknowledging the work to receiving public recognition, bonuses, or professional development opportunities.

Adjusting CSI activities

To integrate a culture of CSI, it’s important to regularly review the effectiveness of the CSI strategy and make adjustments as necessary. This might involve revisiting the established KPIs, reassessing the resources allocated to CSI initiatives, or modifying the training given to teams. A flexible but committed approach allows the organisation to adapt to new challenges and opportunities while still embedding the culture of CSI.

Building a culture of CSI: Dos and don’ts

There are multiple things you need to do to build a culture of continual service improvement, but also many that you should avoid. So, here’s our list of dos and don’ts:

  • DO set clear objectives: Define clear, measurable, and achievable objectives for CSI. This helps in maintaining focus and provides a clear direction for the efforts of the team
  • DON’T implement changes without analysis: Resist the temptation to rush into changes without thoroughly analysing potential impacts. This includes understanding the risks and preparing for possible disruptions
  • DO encourage a blame-free environment: Foster a culture where mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning rather than occasions for punishment. This encourages more open reporting and discussion of issues
  • DON’T isolate CSI from other processes: CSI should not be treated as a standalone process. It needs to be integrated with all other ITSM processes to ensure that improvements are comprehensive and cohesive
  • DO celebrate successes: Celebrate the successes and contributions of individuals and teams. This can significantly boost morale and encourage further participation in CSI activities
  • DON’T forget about scalability and sustainability: Do not implement improvements that are not scalable or sustainable in the long term. Consider the future impact and ensure that improvements can be supported now and in the future

Training for CSI

As CSI is a culture to embed at every level of your IT team, it can help to engage in specific continual service improvement training and certifications.

One certification which has a strong emphasis on CSI is ITIL® 4. CSI is a core component of ITIL’s service value system and a key module included in training. Certifying in ITIL 4 also helps with the understanding of the Continual Improvement Model, which is a structured approach to ongoing improvement.

Learn more about our ITIL 4 training and how it could help you embed a culture of continual service improvement in your organisation.