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Helped Pass ITIL4 Foundation Certification in first attempt with 95% score.

ITIL4 Foundation online course was very useful to help me pass the ITIL4 Foundation exam in first attempt. Pass Pledge feature is very good as it allows free second attempt and serves as a comfort factor. I didn't have to use Pass Pledge though as I passed the exam in first attempt with score of 95%.

Patrick Mamo

The training style and material was appropriate and the exam booking was seamless.

Trusted Customer
Posted on Thursday, 30th July 2020 13:18
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
How to tackle your digital transformation strategy

A digital transformation strategy is often misperceived as an event, something which you go through to get to an end goal. When in fact, a digital transformation strategy outlines the processes for continual change. So while there may be goals along the way, it is very much an ongoing thing.

IT service managers must view digital transformation as a continuous change in order to evolve successfully, and their digital transformation strategy must be an outline of the practices which will drive this evolution. So, how do you tackle constant change? Here are our top tips...

Create a common vision

Creating common vision should be central to your digital transformation strategy. ITSM should not be siloed. It connects across all parts of the business, and as such digital transformation requires the support of all in order to progress.

Digital disruption tends to be viewed negatively, so your biggest challenge will be breaking down that mindset. In order to get a team onboard with a change, they need to be made blatantly aware of how the technology will benefit them within their roles. Likewise, when shooting to gain buy-in from senior management or stakeholders, be sure to clarify and highlight the benefits these changes offer the company.

The onboarding process is a key part of change management within your digital transformation strategy. It should convey the ‘why’ of the changes you are proposing. Onboarding your team will remove resistance to change and eliminate standstill. In fact, it has the power to inspire. A team who embraces a tech change - say, use of machine learning - should be curious as to what more it has to offer within their roles, or for the wider business.

ITSM professionals must have the business acumen to view digital transformation in line with company goals so that all departments work holistically. Once teams are aligned with a common vision, implementing and driving change becomes a shared responsibility.

Focus on continual learning

A core component of your digital transformation strategy should be continual learning. Just as agile working practices should become second nature to you and your team, so too should upskilling, training and gaining knowledge.

In terms of digital transformation, this can mean a number of things. It could be as straightforward as mastering a piece of software, researching how best to make use of big data in your company, or training your team on a new tool. It could also mean ensuring you stay on top of IT trends and technological advances.

As an ITSM professional, open-ended learning could mean boosting your education with ITSM training courses and certifications. Focusing on learning as part of your digital transformation strategy will ensure that you stay relevant, and even give you a competitive edge. Ongoing learning goes hand in hand with continuous improvement.

Never stand still

Digital transformation should mean that you never stand still. That does not mean you should not be cautious. Whilst the ‘wait and see’ approach to see whether a technology takes off before adopting it can be detrimental, so can jumping feet first. A ‘technology-led’ approach is rarely right for a business. When adopting a new technology or digital change the benefits to the business should always be clear.

What’s more, business goals shift frequently, so don’t be afraid to adjust or pivot your strategy. IT service managers should be in tune with the company vision, and be agile and able to adapt to external changes.

Operating in an agile way, inspiring a common vision and prioritising continual improvement is a recipe for a successful digital transformation strategy. IT service professionals must be well-equipped to make the best of digital change. Deploying new technology will fall flat without a clear and shared approach, and a well-managed strategy for transformation.