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Navigating the future: How to boost IoT skills in your team

The Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping industries, transforming everyday objects into smart, interconnected devices that offer unprecedented efficiency, convenience, and insight. However, as IoT continues to grow, the demand for skilled professionals capable of developing, managing, and securing IoT systems is increasing rapidly. Our 2024 research report found that 67% of organisations plan to invest in building IoT skills this year.

Download the full report.

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

Put simply, the Internet of Things is a network of connected devices, technologies, sensors, and software that can seamlessly connect and share data with other systems and devices over the Internet.

Smart devices in the home are an example of IoT in action. For example, a smartwatch is fitted with sensors and wireless protocols that enable extensive data capturing, such as GPS, heart rate, and temperature. The watch then intelligently analyses this data for user experience and shares it with other devices, such as mobile phones, computers, and exercise equipment.

Top tips for boosting IoT skills

Boosting IoT skills within your team is crucial for staying competitive in this evolving landscape. So, how can you support your team with the knowledge and expertise they need to excel in the IoT domain? Here are some top tips to help boost IoT skills in your organisation.

Understand the IoT ecosystem

The IoT ecosystem is vast and complex, encompassing devices, networks, data analytics, security, and user interface design. Begin by developing a broad understanding of this ecosystem and its components.

Exploring various IoT platforms and technologies helps grasp the possibilities and limitations inherent in IoT systems. This foundational knowledge is critical for effective problem-solving and innovation in IoT projects.

Learn programming languages

IoT solutions require programming for devices (like sensors and actuators) and the backend systems that collect and analyse data. Key languages include:

  • Python: Widely used for data analysis, machine learning, and server-side scripting
  • JavaScript: Essential for developing interactive web interfaces for IoT devices
  • C/C++: Crucial for programming microcontroller-based devices
  • Java: Often used in large-scale enterprise environments and Android app development for IoT devices

Get to know IoT platforms

IoT platforms such as AWS IoT, Google Cloud IoT, and Microsoft Azure IoT provide integrated services to help you develop, deploy, and manage IoT applications. Getting hands-on experience with these platforms can significantly enhance your skills and understanding of how large-scale IoT systems operate.

Foster a culture of continuous learning

The IoT field is rapidly evolving, with new technologies and standards emerging regularly. Cultivate an environment that values continuous learning and professional development. Encourage your team to stay abreast of industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices through webinars, online courses, workshops, and conferences.

Consider investing in subscriptions to relevant industry publications and online learning platforms.

Seek out hands-on experience

There’s no substitute for hands-on experience when mastering IoT skills. Provide your team with opportunities to work on real-world IoT projects through internal initiatives, partnerships, or participation in hackathons and innovation challenges.

Experimenting with IoT development kits and prototyping platforms can also offer valuable practical experience.

Focus on security and privacy

With the proliferation of IoT devices comes increased vulnerability to security breaches and privacy concerns. Ensure your team understands the importance of security in IoT systems.

Invest in training that covers IoT-specific security challenges, encryption, network security, and data protection regulations. Knowledge of security best practices is crucial for designing and managing secure IoT solutions.

Strengthen data analytics capabilities

IoT devices generate vast amounts of data, which can provide insights into user behaviour, system performance, and more. Equip your team with data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) skills to extract and leverage these insights. Understanding data processing, machine learning algorithms, and predictive analytics is essential for creating intelligent, responsive IoT systems.

Boosting IoT skills in your organisation

Boosting IoT skills is a strategic advantage for organisations aiming to capitalise on the opportunities presented by the Internet of Things. Investing in developing IoT skills is not just about keeping up but staying ahead of the game.

To boost your knowledge of IoT skills, ITIL® 4 training can help, especially ITIL 4 Digital and IT Strategy, which can help equip organisations with a support strategy that drives a future-focused team.