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Posted on Thursday, 19th December 2019 16:55
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
How leaders can motivate themselves

At the core of self-motivation in the workplace is your personal vision. Whilst the company vision will guide your practices, and drive you to meet goals and targets, it is your own vision that will inspire you and enable you to flourish.

Your own outlook for where you want to be will be your guide and give everything you do a sense of purpose. This could be tangible, such as money or status, or emotional such as personal happiness, recognition and a sense of pride.

Consider where you are heading

Motivate yourself by thinking about your vision. Where are you heading? This isn’t necessarily an end destination; it is constantly evolving.

It is said that successful people think about their careers constantly. Having a vision for your career will allow you to reflect on what you need to work on, and how to get there. Avoiding standstill is a great way to stay motivated.

Climbing the career ladder

Aiming to climb that career ladder can be a great self-motivator, but to avoid feeling like a dangling carrot, your path needs to be laid out with actionable stepping stones. Without these, your end goal will quickly start to feel unattainable, leaving you demotivated.

Perhaps you are working towards a promotion, working up the ranks at a company, or simply taking on bigger responsibilities. A great actionable step is upskilling, as a way of proving yourself when your sights are set on promotion.

For some, climbing the career ladder involves moving on. Changing jobs can offer new prospects. To remain motivated, you should avoid sidestepping in your career unless it’s clear that advancement is on the horizon once you have proven yourself. You may even want to quantify some goals when negotiating your job offer - for example, a pay increase and change of title once you have achieved set targets. This can be a fantastic driver as it gives you something to work towards.

Continual self-improvement

Motivation can come from knowing you are doing the best you can do. All too often, we pressure ourselves to achieve perfection. Instead, think of your work life how you would sports and aim for a personal best. You will get a lot more satisfaction that way.

Likewise, take an opportunity to reflect on your downfalls and learn exactly where you need to grow. As leaders, we all have areas we need to work on. Consider taking a course to improve processes and strive for continual self-improvement to ultimately get to where you want to be.

Find the right support system

It doesn’t have to be lonely at the top. A mentor can be very beneficial to your career and keep you motivated. This could be a professional such as a career coach, or perhaps simply your own boss. Having someone to discuss your path with, and who can drive you to be your best, can be hugely advantageous. You don’t necessarily have to meet with them regularly either - once a quarter could be enough.

Similarly, having an inspiration or role model can be of great benefit. This could be a high-profile entrepreneur, someone you have a connection with on LinkedIn, or even a superior at your company. Look for someone who inspires you with the way they lead or what they have achieved. Whatever it is that resonates, take some time to reflect upon ways you could learn from their journey to success.