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Posted on Wednesday, 2nd September 2020 12:53
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7 tips for advancing digital navigation

Digital navigation has become a hot topic in light of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The global pandemic too has accelerated our need for know-how. The importance of technology cannot be overstated in our ‘new normal’ as it continues to shake up our working environments and virtual becomes our new reality.

The speed of change has taught us to embrace digital adoption in a sink or swim fashion. Even for those of us who now consider ourselves digital natives, it is imperative that we stay on top of emerging technology trends. Digital change presents endless challenges but also vast opportunity. Learn to harness digital transformation and you are sure to reap all the benefits it has to offer. Here are our top tips for doing just that:

1. Add value with automation

Automation is a rising trend, and for good reason. Automating tasks minimises the tedious repetitiveness of mundane work whilst also eliminating human error. It is becoming widely used in customer service, with tech such as process automation and chat bots. Automation allows professionals to step back and assess where they can add value.

However, to get the best out of automation technology it is vital that you manage it well. You must configure the right set-up from the get-go and be sure any automation is right for your business and situation before rolling it out. What’s more you must have a keen eye for overseeing any automated processes, as failure to do so could be hugely detrimental.

2. Innovate to succeed

The growing reality is that customers have come to expect innovation. Just as internally, your team are mastering digital navigation, so too are your customers. They call for innovative solutions, and clever use of technology. In that way, innovation is essential for advancing successfully. Master smart ways to solve problems using digital technology and you will improve performance, achieve customer satisfaction, and even better your business’ reputation.

3. Prioritise the human element

It is all too easy to become technology-led when in fact a more human-centred, people-led approach can be far better for business. Advancing digital navigation within your organisation is going to be a team effort, and so you will need to gain employee buy-in for any pending change. Similarly, you will need to onboard stakeholders so that they do not see technology shifts as needless disruption, but instead recognise the value of staying relevant. Key to this is demonstrating that any change is well thought out, benefits the business, and that consideration has been given to how any tech or digital reform aligns with business goals.

4. Advance with equipped professionals

If the 4th industrial revolution has taught us anything, it’s that IT service professionals need both technical knowledge, and management skills. In order to advance your digital navigation, you should prioritise continual learning by upskilling yourself and your staff.

Training courses, such as our ITIL 4 course, will see you become more confident in your abilities and more effective in your role. As an ITIL-certified professional you will be capable of managing change more effectively. You will gain understanding of how ITIL’s guiding principles can help your organisation to adopt and adapt, and the vital importance of continual improvement.

5. Make a habit of out tech change

Key to advancing is making a habit out of tech change. By this, we don’t necessarily mean jump on board a new technology the second it emerges, nor are we suggesting that you switch and change your systems constantly. What we mean is see tech change as habitual and ongoing.

Digital navigation is evolutionary and having your finger on the pulse will allow you to be ready for upcoming trends and major shifts, so make a habit out of being aware of new developments. Whether it’s following tech blogs and industry websites, or scheduling in some time for regular research. Onboarding agile practices too can help you and your team to be prepared for technology change. Working in an agile way promotes flexibility and ensures your team is well-versed in handling change with minimal disruption.

6. Improve experience with big data

Analytics, big data and artificial intelligence are instrumental in improving business performance, now and for the foreseeable future. But more than that, data technology has the potential to skyrocket customer experience. For this, data needs to be well handled and serve a purpose in terms of company operations.

The most important thing to bear in mind is to utilise big data and AI in a way which aligns with company goals. Artificial Intelligence has great potential to improve processes, but it must be well managed. If this is an area where you see your organisation advancing, then it may be worth recruiting specialist talent or investing in staff training to improve analytics and big data management.

7. Don’t be afraid to go back to basics

We are all guilty of becoming reliant on digital tools which enhance our daily role, but there are certainly times where it can be beneficial to go back to basics. The latest technology, with all its cool integrations, doesn’t always trump the tried and tested basics. Particularly if you are just trying to perform a task as simple as say, displaying data in a table. Core to digital navigation is being mindful of the task in hand and knowing that sometimes the best solution is the most obvious one.